Garden Calendar: June Tips


There is lots of gardening to do in June! The garden is growing and so are the weeds! Check out my garden help; don’t let the photo fool you. They were in the garden for less than fifteen minutes, but I’ll take what I can get.


 Northern United States

  • Plant – Finish planting the garden. Plant what you like to eat or try something new this year.
  • Fertilize – Fertilize vegetables, annual flowers, and roses after blooming.
  • Weed – Weeds are part of gardening and there are plenty in my garden. Try to stay on top of it. Weeds take water and nutrients from your plants.
  • Water – When plants are established, they don’t need to be watered every day. Water the top six inches and then wait for the top two inches to dry out before watering again.
  • Mulch – Mulching is nothing more than covering the soil with a protective material. Mulch does three things: reduces weed growth, holds moisture and cools soil temperatures. I have used a combination of newspaper and straw in my vegetable beds. This has worked very well for me, it’s cheap and effective.
  • Harvest – Radish, lettuce, spinach, asparagus and rhubarb. Harvest herbs just before they begin to flower.

Southern United States

  • Preserve – Extend the goodness and can or freeze the extra produce from the garden. I froze spinach for the first time this year. It was easy, time consuming, but easy.
  • Fertilize – Fertilize annuals and vegetables. Feed them so that they will feed you!
  • Water – Adjust watering based upon the amount of rain. The south was hit hard with rain in May.
  • Mulch – Mulching is nothing more than covering the soil with a protective material. Mulch does three things: reduces weed growth, holds moisture and cools soil temperatures. I have used a combination of newspaper and straw in my vegetable beds. This has worked very well for me, it’s cheap and effective.
  • Harvest – Make salsa! Tomatoes, peppers and cilantro are bountiful. Enjoy the fruit from your trees too!

Happy Gardening!

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